Teacher : Miss E Wellsted
As you know, Year 6 is a very important year. As a school, we have very high expectations for every child; academically, personally and socially as you also do.
Therefore, we will need to work together to ensure that your child reaches his/her potential in Year 6. Thus, I encourage you to ensure that your child do the following:
- Read for 30 minutes every day.
- Comment in their reading journal daily after reading. Parents, you can also comment in your child’s reading journal.
- Learn to spell the Yr5/6 spelling words. Learn synonyms and antonyms from the list given.
- Complete maths and grammar work regularly. The children have access to two computer programmes (SPAG and My Maths) which they can practise at their convenience, please complete all homework when set.
- Learn all times tables up to 12x12.
- Keep a daily journal of activities: pictures, drawings, etc. to encourage writing and personal growth.
- Be the best he/she can be at home, at play and encourage them to do the same at school.
Ensuring that your child get the best he/she deserves, this is what you, the parent, can do:
- Give your child encouragement in everything he/she does. Praise the child when necessary, especially for exceptional work. In addition, ask the child to improve (redo) any work that is not of their best effort;
- Read along with your child when possible. When focus questions regarding reading come home, ask your child these questions after reading, or even after watching a movie. Encourage your child to answer in complete sentences that are grammatically correct.
- When homework is given, guide your child through the homework if needed, but do not do it for them;