Teacher : Mrs D Linton-Gordon
Welcome to your reception year.
You will have much fun making new friends and learning this year.
You will enjoy learning maths, reading, writing and exploring through art and the world around you.
The adults who are here to help you are myself your class teacher, Mrs Slattery, Miss Leggett and on some afternoons Mrs Sadler.
We are looking forward to getting to know you through the topic ‘All about Me’ and ‘Starting School.’
Once you have settled in at school we will have phonics every day through Letters and Sounds.
We will read different types of books, such as, stories, rhymes, poems and Bible stories. We will learn about people who help us, such as, your parents, people in school, firefighters, doctors and nurses.
We will also learn about the life cycle of various manifests and animals.
We will have physical activity games and sports in PE lessons which will be twice a week on a Wednesday and on a Friday. On these days, you can wear your PE kit to school.
We will also have continuous physical activities daily in the outdoor area.
We will celebrate your learning and achievements as a class and across the whole school.
Your parents will see this on the school Dojo.
I know you will always try your best and do remember that we are here to help you.